Following a successful first year of delivery across schools in 2022/23, NHS Borders once again offered a tobacco related programme.
‘Jenny and The Bear’ is part of a co-ordinated local approach to reducing the harmful effects of smoking which includes Quit Your Way and Smoke Free Homes. It focuses on second hand smoke which also links with the Scottish Government’s “Take it right outside” campaign. Second hand smoke is particularly harmful for children, as well as pregnant women and others with long term heart and/or breathing conditions.
Jenny & The Bear is a Primary 1 based resource which consists of a locally produced video of a story being read, story booklets and a “name the bear” competition. The main focus is a story about a little girl and her teddy which offers the opportunity to increase awareness about the effects of second-hand smoke on children and what parents/carers can do to ensure their children are not exposed to its harmful effects.
After careful consideration by representatives from Scottish Borders Council’s Education and Lifelong Learning service and the Department of Public Health – Health Improvement team, the name ‘Healthy Hugo’ was chosen as the winner of the ‘Jenny and the Bear’ name the bear competition 2024.
Miss Sheona Elliot and her Primary 1 class at Wilton Primary School came up with the name for the bear after class discussions which took place following the story of ‘Jenny and the Bear’. The class were presented with a bear and a certificate on 5 June 2024 by Yvonne Wilson, Health and Wellbeing Support Officer (schools) and Lizzie MacLeish, Health Improvement Specialist for Children and Young People.