A temporary road closure of Mansfield Road will take effect from Monday 13 February to allow for works associated with the Hawick Flood Protection Scheme to be undertaken, with the closure expected to last for a around of 14 weeks.
For the duration of the closure a diversion will be in place via Burnfoot with temporary pedestrian crossing points installed at the Burnfoot Community Hub and close to the post office and shops.
Due to the challenging nature of the works, including the depth of the excavation required and the size of the reinforced concrete foundations, the closure will last until mid-May.
Following the completion of the phase one works, traffic will be restored via a temporary diversion route through the Scottish Water treatment works, with the remaining works to connect the two sections of floodwall completed under traffic light control.
The footpath along Mansfield Road will remain open for pedestrians throughout the entire period of construction works.
Access to Hawick Recycling Centre for the 14 weeks of the road closure will be via Burnfoot.