Education Scotland has recognised continued improvements at Hawick High School which were found to be working well in supporting young people’s health and wellbeing, learning and progress.
After reviewing all of the evidence and in discussion with the council, Education Scotland are now confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve, and will make no further visits in connection with the inspection report of December 2019.
Education Scotland published an initial report on the secondary school which set out a number of areas for improvement. These were agreed with the school and Scottish Borders Council.
A further visit was made in February 2022, where inspectors worked closely with the headteacher and staff and found progress had been made in many areas since their initial inspection. Inspectors asked for further information to be provided in a year’s time to ensure progress continued to be made at the school.
As requested, Scottish Borders Council has now provided Education Scotland with a report on the school’s progress. The report is available at here and highlights the progress made in a number of areas.