On 7 March 2023, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) issued advice that a COVID-19 Spring Booster dose should be offered to adults aged 75 years and over (or who will turn 75 by 30 June 2023), residents in care homes for older adults and people aged 5 years and over with a weakened immune system.
The spring programme will run from 27 March until 30 June 2023 and we would therefore encourage all those eligible to take up the offer as soon as they are called forward.
Your level of protection against COVID-19 fades over time, but a spring dose can increase your protection and reduce your risk of severe Covid-19 illness. It’s important to get the vaccine when you are offered it.
The following groups are eligible to receive a Spring Covid-19 Booster:
> Those aged 75 or over (or who will turn 75 by 30 June 2023)
> Care home residents
> People aged 5 – 74 with a weakened immune system
Throughout the pandemic, COVID-19 has disproportionately affected these groups. It is for this reason these groups are being offered an additional booster dose. Wherever possible, the aim will be to ensure those who have a weakened immune system are offered the dose they are eligible for at the earliest opportunity with the minimum recommended gap between doses to ensure maximum protection from the virus.
The Spring Booster dose will be offered around six months (24 weeks) after your last dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Some people may be invited sooner than this (but at least 12 weeks since their last dose).
If you are eligible to receive a Spring Booster, NHS Scotland will contact you by letter, email or text. Please wait to be contacted.
Community vaccination clinics for those aged 75 and over will start from 11 April 2023. You will receive a scheduled appointment date and time by letter, text or email by late March.
If your child is aged 5 to 11 years and has a weakened immune system, you will be contacted with a scheduled appointment date and time with appointments starting from mid-May. Please note your child must have turned 5 by 1 April 2023 to be eligible for a Spring Booster.
If you or your child are aged 12 to 74 years and have a weakened immune system, you will be contacted with a scheduled appointment date and time or you will receive a prompt with instructions on how to book an appointment online or via the helpline. Appointments for this group will be offered from 24 April 2023.
You can now update your contact details and your preferred method of contact on the online portal here: https://vacs.nhs.scot/csp