Len Gateson

Looking at Len today you would not think that in the early 70’s, at the age of 16, he was a long haired, Afghan jacket wearing hippy, walking around Essex with a portable cassette player playing ELP, Yes & Caravan. He looks much older!

Now happily living in Hawick, and a keen golfer, he is ready to delight his audience with Prog Rock masterpieces from the last 50 plus years. Prog Rock is alive and well with a strong fan base, indeed many say that it has never disappeared.

With numerous new bands and tribute groups joining the ranks of the bands of the 70’s & 80’s there will be a variety of music to listen to. Not just British bands either, there will be tracks included from European and American groups and he promises that 20 plus minute tracks are outlawed, at least in his first show!

Catch his ‘Wondrous Prog Rock Music Show’ on a Monday night between 8 & 10pm.

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